04 August 2023

Gulf of Corinth

Day 1 – Patras to Nafpaktos
I arrived by ferry in Patras at 12.30 and took a bus from there to join my hosts, Dave and Paula, in Nafpaktos for our sailing trip through the Gulf of Corinth.
Nafpaktos is a picturesque port town on the northern side of the Gulf.
The Castle of Nafpaktos (or Castle of Lepanto) was constructed by the Venetians in the late 15th century.
The fortress played a crucial role during the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, in which the Holy League, led by the Venetians and Spanish, defeated the Ottoman Empire.
The town is very pleasant with very few foreign tourists. We saw one car with a non-Greek plate and heard very little English in the taverna where we ate delicious salads and fish.

Day 2 – Nafpaktos to Galaxidi
We raised anchor at 06.30 and headed for Galaxidi, motoring most of the way as the was very little wind.
Galaxidi is another unspoilt port, although we saw a few foreign boats in the small marina.
There are no beaches in the town, but there are several spots for swimming off the quays.
Here I got my first sea swim of the year. I had a few dips during the day, the last at 21.00 when the water temperature was 30C.

Day 3 – Galaxidi to the Corinth Canal
Departure at 06.20 this morning. The various weather forecasting services are giving conflicting information, so we don't know yet if we'll put the sails up.
We have a slot booked to go through the Canal at 13.00.
More photos on my Instagram account:

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